If you are interested in quoting from a John Wilkes book, you might not need permission. If a use is covered by ‘fair dealing’ you are allowed to quote from a copyrighted work without the authorisation of the copyright holder. Please see the Society of Authors’ Guidance on Copyright and Permissions.

For other requests, please make a request via plsclear.com.

Please note:

  • Our turnaround time is about two weeks, but can be longer for complicated requests, or where we have to get approval from authors or estates.

  • In most cases there will be a fee due, though we try to consider the circumstances of the person or organisation making the request. Our minimum fee for use of a limited amount of material is £50 excluding VAT.

  • We are not able to issue double taxation relief forms in cases of payment from foreign bank accounts - the tax must be accounted for on the seeker’s side and the payment made in full.